

来源: | 发布日期:4个月前 | 浏览次数:








  1. **设备选型与调配**:缘通租赁精选了多款高效能、低辐射的手机屏蔽仪,确保在不影响其他电子设备正常运行的前提下,有效屏蔽考场内的手机信号。同时,根据考场布局,合理调配设备数量,确保信号屏蔽无死角。

  2. **专业安装**:在考试前一周,缘通租赁的技术团队携带专业设备抵达现场,按照既定方案进行安装调试。技术人员不仅具备丰富的实战经验,还严格遵守安全操作规程,确保安装过程高效、安全、无误。

  3. **现场测试与调整**:安装完成后,团队进行了全面的信号屏蔽测试,确保考场内所有角落的手机信号均被有效屏蔽。针对个别区域信号较弱的情况,及时调整设备位置或增加辅助设备,确保信号屏蔽效果达到最佳。

  4. **培训与指导**:为了确保考试中心工作人员能够熟练操作设备,缘通租赁还提供了现场培训服务,详细讲解了设备的使用方法、日常维护及应急处理措施。






  **English Translation**:

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Blocker Rental in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province**

  In the digital age, information security and order maintenance have become indispensable aspects of various events. Recently, a renowned examination center in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, partnered with Yuantong Leasing to successfully complete a one-week mobile phone signal blocker rental project, ensuring the fairness and solemnity of the examination while showcasing the quality of Yuantong Leasings services in the region.

  **Project Background**:

  As technology advances, the proliferation of mobile devices poses unprecedented challenges to traditional examination models. To effectively curb cheating via electronic devices, the examination center decided to introduce mobile phone signal blocking technology for an upcoming large-scale examination. Considering cost-effectiveness and flexibility, the center chose to collaborate with Yuantong Leasing for short-term rental of signal blockers.

  **Demand Analysis**:

  Upon receiving the request, Yuantong Leasing swiftly dispatched professionals to conduct a site visit, assessing factors such as examination hall size, building structure, and signal interference requirements. Based on these insights, a tailored rental plan was formulated, encompassing device selection, quantity allocation, installation and debugging schedules, and emergency response mechanisms.

  **Implementation Process**:

  1. **Equipment Selection and Allocation**: Yuantong Leasing selected high-performance, low-radiation signal blockers, ensuring effective shielding without disrupting other electronic devices. The number of devices was tailored to the layout of the examination halls.

  2. **Professional Installation**: A week before the examination, Yuantongs technical team arrived with specialized equipment for installation and debugging. The technicians, with rich experience, adhered strictly to safety protocols for an efficient, safe, and flawless process.

  3. **Onsite Testing and Adjustments**: Comprehensive signal shielding tests were conducted post-installation, ensuring complete coverage. Adjustments were made promptly for weaker signal areas to optimize shielding


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